
Personal (Auto) Injuries

At James B. Smith, Attorney at Law, we have successfully represented many victims of auto-accidents seeking compensation for their injuries and property damage.

24/7 Free Consultation!

Phone: 912-222-4585

15618 U.S. Highway 17
Townsend, GA 31331

McIntosh county vehicle accident lawyer.

Few things are more stressful than the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. After being injured, you may have many questions:

  • How will I pay my medical bills?
  • Can I afford to fix my car?
  • How will I make a living while I am injured?
  • What if I don’t have health insurance?

At James B. Smith, Attorney at Law, we take the time to answer your questions and address your concerns. At our initial consultation, lawyer James B. Smith will sit down with you and review the facts of your case and the damage that was done. Our first priority is getting you the medical attention and immediate financial assistance you need. We are part of a medical group that offers service to uninsured accident victims so you can get the care you need even if you do not have health insurance. We want you to focus on your life and your health. Let us take care of the rest. Once we have the facts, we go to work, building your case and negotiating with the responsible party. This may be your insurance company or another driver who acted negligently by speeding or texting while driving.

Often, we are able to reach a fair settlement with the responsible party or your insurance company, which can prevent time-consuming litigation. However, if the responsible party refuses to give you what you are entitled to, we are prepared to go to court to protect your rights and pursue the damages that you deserve.

McIntosh county rear-end accident attorney.

Rear-end accidents are some of the most common car collisions, frequently happening at moderate speeds when one driver is not paying attention and bumps into another car. At James B. Smith, Attorney at Law, we have successfully represented many victims of rear-end collisions seeking compensation for their injuries and property damage.

Building your case, supporting your care.

Part of what makes rear-end accidents so dangerous is the kind of injuries that they frequently cause. These crashes often result in soft tissue injuries, such as disk damage in a victim’s back or a torn rotator cuff. A soft tissue injury may not sound as serious as a broken bone, but it can be just as debilitating.

Often, these injuries develop gradually, which means they may not be immediately apparent when you seek medical treatment after a car accident. You may feel fine at the emergency room, go home and realize a day or two later that you are hurting and something is wrong. Follow-up care may reveal that you have a serious – and expensive – soft tissue injury that will require surgery and considerable money to fix. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to seek any follow-up care recommended by your doctor. When you speak to a health care professional at the ER, try to be thorough and tell him or her about all of your symptoms, even if they seem minor. Creating a record of any potential injuries is not only key to getting the best care, but also to developing any legal claims you may have with an attorney.

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